Nutrien Partners with the Progressive Agriculture Foundation to Provide Farm Safety and Health Education to 4-H Teens

Being a sponsor with the Progressive Agriculture Foundation® (PAF) for its Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® (PAF Safety Day) program could easily be a transactional ritual between a corporation and a non-profit. Writing a check in support of a world class program could be easy enough for many individuals and organizations, however, as is the case with most sponsors of our program, Nutrien has ensured that the relationship between sponsor and program is anything but transactional.

Soon after Nutrien became a partner of PAF in 2002 and started supporting the PAF Safety Day program, they saw so much value in the program that they became the first partner to license the program and dedicated employees to enact PAF Safety Days in communities where they did business in South America. In typical fashion, Nutrien’s commitment to the program truly is driven by our Foundation’s mission to bring health and safety education to all kids who live on farms, ranches and in rural communities. Nutrien has not only brought its influence to bear financially, but members of Nutrien’s safety team have served as board members whose expertise helped to drive Foundation.

Recently, Nutrien partnered with PAF’s efforts to attend and present at the 2022 The National 4-H Youth Summit for Agri-Science in Bethesda, Maryland, where our goal was to share with 4-H teens about the program and how to get involved. Our attendance at the summit was incredibly important to the PAF Safety Day program, as we know that the program is not yet being enacted in all communities where rural youth need for us to be. Without the support of our partnerships, like the one we share with Nutrien, we would not be able to reach so many children and individuals with this potentially lifesaving education. 

After 21 years of funding and support, it is clear to PAF that the partnership with Nutrien not only helps to educate youth about agricultural and rural safety and health but is creating longevity for the PAF Safety Day program both here in North America and abroad! 


A Life Rooted in Agriculture with a Passion to Make a Difference


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