PAF Safety Day Coordinator Spotlight: Tyrone Gentry

When first learning about the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® (PAF Safety Day) program from a co-worker, Tyrone Gentry immediately knew that there was a need for safety and health education in Green County, Kentucky. Tyrone is a 4-H Youth Development Agent with the 4-H Youth Development program within Kentucky Cooperative Extension.

“He (Tyrone’s co-worker) talked about the Program’s curriculum and how well the information was received by the youth,” said Tyrone. “I was excited to be accepted by the Program back in 2002 [to become a PAF Safety Day Coordinator]!

“The hands-on educational activities engage the youth in discovering their own learning results, and there are a lot of options for the kids to be involved in their learning through this Program.”

Now 20 years and 36 PAF Safety Days later, Tyrone not only remains a PAF Safety Day Coordinator offering the Program in Green County, but also currently serves as a member of the Progressive Agriculture Foundation Board of Directors. He shared that both as a Coordinator and Board Member, that there have many impactful moments that have occurred throughout the past two decades.

“There are numerous stories that we hear from parents about youth taking the safety and health messages home to their families,” added Tyrone.

One of the many stories that he shared was about a local family that he interacted with while shopping. A young boy and his mom recognized Tyrone from the PAF Safety Day that the recently attended, and they shared that they were shopping for a bike helmet. Tyrone mentioned that the young boy was excited to share with him that he had just gotten a new bike.

Tyrone said, “the boy’s mom quickly added that he would not ride his new bike until we got a helmet.

“I knew then that in that kid’s life, the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day program made a difference.”

Tyrone added that the Progressive Agriculture Foundation has a true belief in making a difference in the lives of youth, families and rural communities. It is the core tenet that drives everything the Foundation and Program do from the safety and health topics to online activities to adaptations for different delivery modes. The curriculum is prepared in an easy-to-follow format that reinforces best practices in delivering programs to youth including engaging hands-on activities.


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